Code Of Conduct-2020-2021
The following rules must be read before you pay your $ 50.00 non refundable fee, and if you decide to move forward you are agreeing to all rules and regulations set forth.
National Titleholder must be 5 years old as of January 1, 2021
National Titleholder must be a naturally born female.
National Titleholder must be of moral character and have never had posed in film or camera nude, partial nudity, or implied nudity.
National Titleholders must not have ever been convicted of a felony crime nor have an arrest record.
National Titleholders may NOT currently hold a title with any other pageant system as of competition date for that year unless you are a appointed titleholder and you have the National Director's approval.
We reserve the right to check Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and any other social media to see that contestant is of moral character.
Titleholders will permit MCEUSA and its affiliates to televise live or by use of film or videotape any portion or all the competition.
Titleholders will permit MCEUSA and its affiliates the right to use contestant’s photos for publicity purposes in connection with all Pageant competitions.
MCEUSA reserves the right to change the date and location of the state pageant.
Contestant agrees all decisions of judges are final and irrevocable and she will abide by all regulations during the city pageant.
Any contestant and/or family member or guest, showing less than sportsman like behavior will lead to immediate disqualification of the contestant. NO REFUND will be given under any circumstances.
The number of entries determines deadlines
National Titleholders understand that if she receives a National Title, she will be required to participate in the monthly community service events , and monthly social media,(example- posting on face book, Instagram promoting the pageant system. ( no exceptions), .
National Titleholders understands that there will be a $35.00 fee assessed for any returned checks.
National Titleholders agrees to abide by all rules and regulations or forfeit title. NO REFUND will be given NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
National Titleholders understand that if selected as the winner in her competition, that for one year her professional affairs as said winner will be under sole management of MCEUSA and or their licensees and that she will not give any written or verbal endorsement commercially without the expressed permission of said same. Contestant further acknowledges that she must receive a written consent from MCEUSA and or their licensees for any appearances, endorsements, speaking engagements, acting roles, etc. resulting from winning or being a contestant in the state pageant. Contestant Name:
National Titleholders understands that if she decide not to continue in the National pageant system after enrolling and paying all fees, she will not receive any refunds, ALL FEES ARE FINAL and NON REFUNDABLE.